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Michael Beck

Managing Director itprocess GmbH


Michael Beck has been supporting customers with their SAP projects as a management consultant and project manager since 2004.

In addition to numerous new international SAP ERP implementations and optimization projects, he is an expert in the mechanical engineering, metal processing, services and retail sectors.

In his projects, the customer's strategic objectives have top priority without losing sight of the people involved.

Before taking up his position as managing partner of itprocess GmbH, Michael Beck held management positions at SAP system houses. Most recently as "Senior Manager" and "Head of SAP Consulting".


Michael is responsible for the "Sales" and "Consulting" divisions at itprocess.

Nicolai Geier

Managing Director itprocess GmbH


Nicolai Geier has been supporting his customers as a process consultant and project manager since 2004.

In addition to various optimization projects, he focuses on the realizations of new SAP implementations in Germany and international rollouts in the following industries: Mechanical engineering, precious metal processing, high-tech & electronics. The main focus of his work was on consistent process reliability, pragmatic solutions and a partnership-based approach with the customer.

Prior to his role as managing partner of itprocess GmbH, Nicolai Geier held various management positions in the IT industry.


At itprocess, Nicolai is responsible for the "Remote Services" and "Administration" divisions.

Christian Münch

Head of Consulting Services itprocess GmbH


Starting out as an SAP user and in-house consultant in Germany and Switzerland in 2007, Christian Münch has been supporting SAP customers as a process consultant and project manager since 2013.

His portfolio includes new SAP implementations and optimization projects in a national and international environment. He has extensive cross-process expertise in the logistics modules, with a particular focus on the mechanical engineering, retail, high-tech & electronics and metal processing sectors.

Pragmatism and target-oriented solutions in the interests of the customer form the basis of successful cooperation for him.


Christian heads-up SAP consulting and supports the management team.

Marc Hostettler

Managing Director itprocess Swiss AG


Marc Hostettler has been advising SAP customers in Switzerland since 2009.

His activities focus on new implementations, local and international rollouts and process optimization in the SME environment.

In his projects, he prioritizes maximum integration. The ROI is just as important for his methods as the realistic feasibility depending on the respective organization.


Marc is Managing Director of itprocess Swiss AG and part of the Group Management.